Saturday, October 18, 2025
Medina Square
Registration begins at 7:30 am, race starts at 9:00 am
Early packet pick up: Friday, October 17, 4-7 pm at Second Sole in Medina
Standard registrant “humans” receive a t-shirt, and pets receive a bandanna (we can not guarantee a t-shirt for late registrations). Awards for top finishers of 5K race, all age groups & first dog.
All dogs must be on a 6-ft leash or shorter at all times.
Please, no retractable leashes.
Registration Cost:
Early Registration (thru 8/31): $30
Standard (thru 9/30): $35
Late (thru 10/17): $40
Day of Race (10/18): $45
Please join us in partnership with The Gazette and the City of Medina for this pet-friendly, family event by registering to participate or becoming a race sponsor. Our Paws for the Cause event drew over 250 participants in 2024, as well as nearly 100 pets. Companies, their employees, and families can all come together again to help promote advocacy through a healthy (and fun!) activity for a worthy cause…to prevent animal cruelty, abuse, and neglect. All proceeds directly benefit the animals we serve throughout Medina County.