Donate to Help Animals In Our Care
As an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit humane society, the MCSPCA survives on donations from individuals, families and local businesses. Donations are tax-deductible and allow us to serve the needs of animals in our care. Monetary donations are appreciated and vital to the long-term health of the animals and to our organization. Donations can be made in person, through the mail, credit/debit card or PayPal.
At the Medina County SPCA, we are on a mission to care for and protect animals in our community from abuse, cruelty, neglect, injury and abandonment. We know all too well that generosity has the power to save – we see it every day. From monetary donations and dropping off much needed supplies to volunteering precious time, we could not do this without your support. By joining together we can protect and care for those animals who can’t protect themselves. Thank you for being part of our team! We couldn’t do this without you!